André Leal


︎ andrevleal


“I’m trying to play the truth of what I am. The reason it’s difficult is because I’m changing all the time.”

Charles Mingus

André Leal


︎ andrevleal

︎︎︎ VIDEO

“I’m trying to play the truth of what I am. The reason it’s difficult is because I’m changing all the time.”

Charles Mingus

︎ Português

Venesa (2018)
1º assistente

Mãe (2018)

Ventania (2018)
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Coração Vagabundo (2018)
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Vizinhos (2019)
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Plano Sequência (2019)
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O Guerreiro (2019)
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Ponto e Vírgula (2019)
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CityTalks (2020)
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Onde Queria Estar (2020)
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Essência (2020)
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Doclisboa (2019)
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InShadow (2019)
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